*HIIT with Amy

To book this class please contact ABC Fitness on 404267 or email abcfitnessiom@gmail.com ABC Fitness | Douglas Isle Of Man | Facebook


To book this class please contact ABC Fitness on 404267 or email abcfitnessiom@gmail.com ABC Fitness | Douglas Isle Of Man | Facebook


Metafit is a style of HIIT and is designed to boost your fitness, rocket your energy levels & get massive results in the shortest amount of time possible To book this class please contact ABC Fitness on 404267 or email abcfitnessiom@gmail.com ABC Fitness | Douglas Isle Of Man | Facebook


To book this class please contact ABC Fitness on 404267 or email abcfitnessiom@gmail.com ABC Fitness | Douglas Isle Of Man | Facebook

YOGA with Ella

You will be guided through an uplifting flow, perfect for those that have never done yoga and are looking to start their journey or those who are familiar and consider themselves quite the yogi. Contact Ella on her Facebook page Yoga with Ella


Come check out our HIIT classes! HIIT is high-intensity interval training which alternates between high intensity movements, significantly increasing the heart rate, followed by short periods of lower intensity movements. This program decreases body fat while increasing strength and endurance. To book this class please contact ABC Fitness on 404267 or email abcfitnessiom@gmail.com ABC Fitness ... *HIITCARDIO with Amy


HIITSTEP is a New and innovative 30 min HIIT exercise class using body weight and a STEP. To book this class please contact ABC Fitness on 404267 or email abcfitnessiom@gmail.com ABC Fitness | Douglas Isle Of Man | Facebook


STRONG FOUNDATIONS - Strong foundations. A class that focuses on The basic 7 functional movement patterns which include: * Squat. * Hinge. * Lunge. * Push. * Pull. * Carry. * Rotate. Forward and backward movements happen in the sagittal plane. Side-to-side movements occur in the frontal plane movements. And rotational movements happen in the ... *STRONG FOUNDATIONS with Paula


*4 week block of METAPWR* Starting Wednesday 8th January What is MetaPWR? MetaPWR (MetaPower) is a 30-minute circuit class that combines bodyweight and weighted compound exercises, with little rest to maximise calorie burn and increase metabolic rate during and after the workout. £25 for the 4 week block or £6.50 PAYG To book this class ... METAPOWER with Amy

*STEP with Amy

STEP WITH AMY - Wednesdays 5.30pm Get your heart and lungs in shape and tone your lower body during this classic choreographed class. Terrific cross-training for runners, cyclists and walkers. It’s a classic cardio workout, it’s lasted decades for a simple reason - it delivers results Starting Wednesday 8th January at The Nautilus Gym £25 ... *STEP with Amy
