HIITSTEP (with Amy)

HIITSTEP is the multi-award winning HIIT workout that only requires you and a STEP. HIITSTEP is a 30-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) full body workout, designed to work you to ... HIITSTEP (with Amy)

HIIT (with Amy)

HIIT meaning High-intensity interval training is a class that alternates short periods of intense or explosive anaerobic exercise with brief recovery periods. HIIT training not only increases your metabolism during ... HIIT (with Amy)

Retrofit (with Paula)

4 classes over 4 weeks, a different class each week Aerobics Step Legs, Bums and Tums Box-a-Robics To book this class please contact Abc Fitness on 489409 or email abcfitnessiom@gmail.com

Pilates (with Claire)

Mixed ability pilates, all levels welcome If you would like to book this class, please contact Claire Kinrade on 481417 or email clairekinrade@gmail.com