HIITSTEP (with Amy)

HIITSTEP is the multi-award winning HIIT workout that only requires you and a STEP. HIITSTEP is a 30-minute high-intensity interval training (HIIT) full body workout, designed to work you to ... HIITSTEP (with Amy)

MenoFit (with Paula)

Specific low impact programmes taught in a 60 minute class alongside Menopause topics. Your typical class would be 35 minutes of exercise followed by 25 minutes of "Menopausal Chat" Class ... MenoFit (with Paula)

Advanced Contemporary Pilates (with Claire)

Previous pilates experience essential If you would like to book this class, please contact Claire Kinrade on 481417 or email clairekinrade@gmail.com

Metafit (with Amy)

A metafit class is a 30 minute, non-choreographed, body weight only workout that sets the metabolism on fire. Think push - ups, squats, planks, burpees, plyometric lunges and squat jumps. ... Metafit (with Amy)